
Photo of a street in San Francisco with a blue sky.

Dispatch from ISA 2024: Jonathan Hui’s blog from the field

Photo by Jonathan Hui By Jonathan Hui, PhD With the theme of “Putting Relationality at the Centre of International Studies”, the International Studies Association held its annual conference in San Francisco from April 3-6th, bringing together scholars primarily in the fields of international relations (IR) and political science, alongside sections for history, sociology, history, and […]

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Adam Ladha addressing a room of students during the MNATO at Carleton University.

Dispatch from the Carleton Model NATO: Adam Ladha’s blog from the field

Photo credit: Adam Ladha By Adam Ladha, MAGG Earlier this year in February, I had the opportunity to participate in Carleton’s Model NATO simulation. The simulation was three days of discussion and debate, highlighting the geopolitical dynamics of NATO. I personally was assigned the role of special representative to Ukraine for the NATO Ukraine council,

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Six students standing beside each other.

Dispatch from the Carleton Model NATO: Justin Myers’ blog from the field

Photo credit: Ben Lalancette By Justin Myers, MAGG Carleton’s Model NATO consisted of four action-packed days of discussion, collaboration, and eye-opening learning, all in the heart of Canada’s capital region. Alongside nearly one hundred other delegates from fifteen universities across the country, I spent the weekend getting an inside look into how diplomacy and military

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Carleton MNATO military committee posing with signs.

Dispatch from the Carleton Model NATO: Olubunmi Onilude’s blog from the field

Photo credit: Olubunmi Onilude By Olubunmi Onilude, MIPP I had the privilege of participating in the Model NATO 2024 conference hosted by Carleton University, which took place from the 22nd to 25th of February 2024. The experience was nothing short of transformative. As I reflect on the journey from Toronto to Ottawa and the whirlwind

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Dispatch from the Carleton Model NATO: Jessica Stewart’s blog from the field

Photo credit: Marcelo Jaramillo Cárdenas By: Jessica Stewart, MIPP The months of preparation played a pivotal role in the challenging yet rewarding weekend of the Carleton Model NATO. From marking position papers to slamming the gavel, Model NATO taught me the importance of collaboration, the difficulty of reaching consensus, and the value of Canadian alliances.

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Groups of people sitting at tables with a presentation on a screen at the front of the room.

Dispatch from the Field: Burgess Langshaw Power’s blog about the technology governance of climate interventions

Photo credit: Burgess Langshaw Power By Burgess Langshaw Power, PhD in Global Governance We have now crossed the threshold of 1.5 degrees centigrade warming, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. This is catastrophic news for the world, as we seek to reduce emissions and manage an economic, social, and environmentally secure future.

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PhD student Tamara Lorincz stands with a student and a large panda statue

Dispatch from COP 28: PhD student Tamara Lorincz’s reflections on the climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Photo by Tamara Lorincz By Tamara Lorincz, PhD candidate February 8, 2024 I attended the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which took place from November 30 to December 12, 2023 and was held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, a petrostate, during the

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Photo taken through a car windshield of cars driving through flooded streets.. Driving from the airport, arriving in Dar es Salaam during the peak of Niño’s storms.

Dispatch from the United Nations Development Programme in Tanzania: Ethan Ellsmere’s second blog from the field

Photo credit: Ethan Ellsmere By Ethan Ellsmere, MIPP Moving across the world can be a challenging process. For me, it began with a 34-hour journey across 12,000km to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania through Dubai and Addis Ababa. I landed in Julius Nyerere International Airport during the peak of El Niño’s storms; the flooding across the

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Dispatch from the United Nations Development Programme in Tanzania: Ethan Ellsmere’s first blog from the field

Photo credit: Ethan Ellsmere By Ethan Ellsmere, MIPP I’ve always been interested in the data side of policy studies. Bringing to life data in meaningful ways can be impactful in countless ways – bringing insights to new developments, honing responses, belying inequalities. My work as a data & insights fellow at UNDP Tanzania has been

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Halyna Padalko standing in front of a EU parliament banner with the Ukraine and EU flag behind her.

Dispatch from the European Parliament in Brussels: Halyna Padalko’s blog from the field

Photo credit: Halyna Padalko By Halyna Padalko, MAGG What comes to your mind first when you hear the word European Parliament? For me, it’s an incredibly complex puzzle that I am still putting together. Having met a few hundred people in the Brussels bubble, I don’t know anyone who understands 100% how all the EU

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Group of people standing in front of a sing "Isoko Ry'Imboga N'Imbuto Rya..."

Dispatch from the United Nations Development Programme in Rwanda: Adwoa Konadu-Yiadom’s second blog from the field

Photo credit: Adwoa Kondu-Yiadom By Adwoa Kondu-Yiadom, MIPP student My ongoing volunteer with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Rwanda has offered a valuable bridge to the gap between academic knowledge and practical application. Initially, I perceived my role at the UNDP as unrelated to my academic pursuits. However, as time progressed, it became clear

Dispatch from the United Nations Development Programme in Rwanda: Adwoa Konadu-Yiadom’s second blog from the field Read More »

Group of people posing in front of a screen that says Youth Trade Summit on Gender

Madison Paisley’s Dispatch from the World Trade Organizations’ Youth Summit on Trade and Gender in Geneva

Photo credit: Madison Paisley By Madison Paisley, MAGG I was one of fifty-six delegates selected from across the world to attend the WTO’s inaugural Youth Summit on Trade and Gender. A diverse mix of representatives from government, international organizations, and academia all gathered together with experts on trade and gender to discuss current issues and

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