Global Institutions, Diplomacy and Justice
Media Archive
The G-7 wants to mobilize new global financing as an alternative to China’s multilateral push“, by Ayse Kaya, Christopher Kilby and Jonathan Kay
Tasked to Fight Climate Change, a Secretive U.N. Agency Does the Opposite“, by Matt Apuzzo and Sarah Hurtes | The New York Times
‘We need more’: UN joins criticism of G7 vaccine pledge, by Elizabeth Piper, Kate Holton (Reuters)
Tasked to Fight Climate Change, a Secretive U.N. Agency Does the Opposite, by Matt Apuzzo and Sarah Hurtes | The New York Times
Security Council upholds role of multilateralism in a complex world, by UN News
UN chief stresses ‘clear and urgent need’ for concrete multilateral solutions in the UN News
BLOG: Is Global Governance on the Rocks? Based on the event featuring Colin Bradford
BLOG: The United Nations at 75. Based on the event featuring Maher Nasser
Governing in the Planetary Age, by Jonathan Blake and Nils Gilman
Protection of Civilians and Peacekeeping’s Accountability Deficit, by Timothy Donais and Eric Tanguay in International Peacekeeping
The G20 is dead as a crisis or steering committee: Long live the G20 as hybrid focal point, by Andrew Cooper
In the Aftermath of COVID-19: Policy Implications for Canada by Ann Fitz-Gerald
Pandemics, Borders and Crisis in a Globalized World by Simon Dalby
The Significant Insignificance of International Sport in a Global Crisis by Tim Elcombe
Rethinking Global Governance and Education Through the Prism of COVID, featuring Georgios Kostakos, co-founder of FOGGS. Recorded on January 29, 2021.
Is Global Governance on the Rocks? featuring Colin Bradford, co-chair, VISION20. Recorded on November 24, 2020.
A Discussion with Maher Nasser on the United Nations at 75. Recorded on October 20, 2020.
The G20 in the time of COVID-19, featuring Andrew Cooper. Recorded on June 23, 2020. Sponsored by the German Development Institute (DIE) and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).
Does Canada Need a Foreign Policy Review? featuring Randolph Mank. Recorded on January 9, 2020.