
Justine Salam

Justine Salam

Justine Salam is a PhD (ABD) candidate at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. She specializes in energy studies and studied across Canada on topics such as the Oil Question in Iraqi Kurdistan and petro-political partnerships between China and the Middle East. Her current research examines the governance of royalties in Alberta’s extractive sector, including the […]

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Madeleine Pinard

Madeleine Pinard

Madeleine Pinard is a doctoral candidate at the Balsillie School of International Affairs and the University of Waterloo. Her research focuses on creating environmental migration governance to mitigate human conflict. Madeleine Pinard completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto where she studied peace, conflict and justice studies. She then pursued a postgraduate certificate in

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Headshot of Carrie Wright wearing a white v-neck sweater with blue trim

Carrie Wright

Carrie Wright is a visiting scholar at Wilfrid Laurier University. She is interested in innovation in the public sector. Her research includes studying innovation practices and identifying barriers to innovation in public sector organizations and experimenting with innovation approaches in partnership with public sector groups using a ‘learning through doing’ methodology. Her recent projects range

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Jinelle Piereder

Jinelle Piereder

Jinelle Piereder is a PhD candidate at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, specializing in conflict and security. Supervised by Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon, Jinelle works within the Ideological Conflict Project based at the Balsillie School, and focuses on ideological conflict within global governance and public policy-making. Using approaches and tools from complexity science, including Cognitive-Affective Mapping (CAM)

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Stephanie DeWitte-Orr

Stephanie DeWitte-Orr

Stephanie DeWitte-Orr is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Health Sciences and Biology at Wilfrid Laurier University. Her research focuses on innate antiviral immune responses, studying how cells detect when they are infected with viruses and how they defend themselves from virus infection. It is these defense mechanisms that her research program utilizes to

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Brad Hayes

Brad Hayes

Dr. Hayes directs and is Principal Technical Consultant for Petrel Robertson Consulting, Canada’s leading integrated petroleum geoscience consultancy. Dr. Hayes has more than 40 years of diverse professional experience. He has completed numerous major geoscience and multidisciplinary studies for companies, Crown corporations, and regulatory agencies, ranging from analyses of specific reservoir problems, to property evaluations,

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Patricia Greve

Patricia Greve

Patricia Greve is a political scientist who studies regional security governance, identity dynamics in security communities, transatlantic relations, and US and German foreign policy. Her work has been published in the Review of International Studies (on overlapping mechanisms of regional security governance; together with Emanuel Adler) and the Journal of International Relations and Development (on

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Indra Noyes

Indra Noyes

Indra Noyes is a PhD candidate in the Global Governance program at the Balsillie School for International Affairs. She is interested in food systems governance in the context of climate change, with a focus on policy, communication, and implementation. The topic of her PhD dissertation is discourse and agenda setting in global food systems governance frameworks.

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jeremy hunsinger

Jeremy Hunsinger

Jeremy Hunsinger focuses on the Internet and new technology. His specific research engages the politics of knowledge and the relations of governance around technologies. He is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. He has published extensively and co-edited several major projects including two volumes of the International Handbook of Internet Research(Springer),

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Sarah Murray

Sarah Murray

Sarah Murray is a doctoral candidate at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in the Global Justice and Human Rights stream. She previously completed her MA in History at Wilfrid Laurier University, where she studied international human rights law and human rights abuses in colonial Kenya. Sarah’s areas of expertise are international human rights, global governance,

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Bissan Ghaddar

Bissan Ghaddar

Bissan Ghaddar is an Associate Professor of Management Science at the Ivey Business School working on problems at the intersection of smart cities, machine learning, and optimization models. Prior to joining Ivey Business School, she was as an Assistant Professor in Data Analytics at the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Waterloo. She

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