
Photo of Emily Miller

Emily Miller

Emily Miller holds a Bachelor of Arts from St. Thomas University in Fredericton, NB. Emily completed a Double Honours in Human Rights and International Relations. Her undergraduate thesis examined Turkey’s and the EU’s response to the influx of Syrian refugees and the resulting 2016 EU-Turkey Deal. Her thesis analyzed the rights violations against Syrians seeking […]

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Photo of Brandon Dickson

Brandon Dickson

Brandon Dickson is a MAGG student at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. His research focuses on the intersection of education, politics and history through memory and education programming in the wake of mass atrocities, with a particular focus on the post-genocide context in Rwanda. This interest stemmed from a research trip to Rwanda in

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Anya Johnson Poon

Anya Johnson Poon

Anya Johnson Poon is a Master of Global Governance candidate and Graduate Research Fellow at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. She holds a Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management with a Specialization in Development Studies from Carleton University. Her academic interests include: social policy, migration and mobilities, international development, international political economy, medical

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Photo of Alma Stafa

Alma Stafa

Alma Stafa is a recent graduate of Trent University holding a B.A.H. in International Development and Political Studies. She is currently a Global Governance M.A candidate at the Balsilie School of International Affairs. As an undergraduate student, Alma’s research interests primarily focused on gender, conflict, the Balkans, and refugees. In 2019, Alma attended the Kosovo

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Bushra Zaheer 2022

(Fathima) Bushra Zaheer

Bushra Zaheer (she/her) received her Honours Bachelor of Arts (co-op) degree specializing in International Development Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). She has a keen interest in environmental justice applied through furthering decolonial, Indigenous-led, migrant-sensitive climate policy. Through her co-op placement, she contributed to the application of Biocultural Community Protocols outlining the land

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Monica Emelko

Monica Emelko

Monica Emelko is a Professor of Environmental Engineering and Canada Research Chair in Water Science, Technology & Policy at the University of Waterloo, where she also serves as the Director of the Water Science, Technology & Policy Group. Monica’s research is focused on drinking water supply and treatment, and risk analysis for public health protection.

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William Haller

Dr. William Haller is originally from Madison, Wisconsin and is currently Associate Professor of Sociology at Clemson University in South Carolina. He received his PhD from University of Pittsburgh in 1999 where he worked on deindustrialization and racial differences in socioeconomic change in the Pittsburgh region using census-tract data from 1970, 1980, and 1990. He

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Ronald Mize

Ronald L. Mize

Ron Mize is a Professor of Language, Culture, and Society at Oregon State University. He is interested in labor migration systems and North American governance regimes. Dr. Mize is the co-author of Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA (University of Toronto Press, 2010) and most recently Latina/o Studies (Polity Press, 2019). He

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Felicia Clement

Felicia is a Ph.D. candidate in the Global Governance program at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. Her doctoral research examines how trust and mistrust effects refugees’ journeys and integration into their host communities. She hopes her work will provide essential insights into where refugees’ experiences of trust/mistrust stem from, how it influences their decision-making in

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Leah Rachelle Alvares Cabral

Leah is a PhD candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. Her area of specialization is Global Political Economy, focused primarily on the global wine industry and trade. Prior to her doctoral candidacy, Leah completed her Masters of Arts at SOAS, University of London, in the UK, where her research was focused

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