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STEM for Global Resilience Coffee Chats

October 10, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

This event is open to STEM for Global Resilience members and the BSIA community. 

The Next Frontier is Your Mind: Neurotechnologies, Human Rights, and the Battle for Your Brain

Jared Genser, General Counsel, Neurorights Foundation, and Senior Tech Fellow, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard University.

The talk will discuss how emerging technologies are evolving at an astonishing pace. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the field of neurotechnology, which refers to devices capable of recording, interpreting, or altering brain activity. Neurotechnology has long been used in scientific settings, pioneering both brain research and medical breakthroughs; in recent years, neurotechnology has allowed patients with paralysis to regain the ability to communicate, and helped blind people reclaim partial vision. Recently, neurotechnology has expanded beyond medical settings into the consumer world, with a host of products entering the market that allow consumers and companies to access intimate brain data. Among others, these products include brain training kits, sleep aids, devices that track levels of focus, and toy helicopters that consumers fly using concentration. This brings great promise of innovation and development, but also pressing concerns, particularly given privacy risks, rapid advances in the capacity to decode brain scans using generative AI, and the possibility of mental interference.

In his brief remarks and the discussion, Jared Genser will examine the ways in which neurotechnology has the potential to change what it means to be human. In particular, he will discuss how the loss of mental privacy and the risk of mental manipulation present challenges that were previously unimagined and which demand immediate action. He will explore the implications of neurotechnology on existing legal, ethical, and regulatory regimes, pulling directly from his experience advising the United Nations, industry partners, and governments around the world. As a way forward, Genser will introduce the notion of “neurorights,” which involves further interpreting existing human rights law to safeguard the right to mental integrity, the right to mental agency, the right to mental privacy, the right to fair access to mental augmentation, and the right to protection from algorithmic bias. The neurorights movement, he will argue, is necessary to prevent against the misuse and abuse of neurotechnology before it’s too late.

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Meeting ID: 840 9546 6850

Passcode: 187058


October 10, 2024
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:

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