Webinar link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83411730153?pwd=YTUrdEJ0OENWbnBwd0lnWVFZTjVRQT09
As anthropogenic climate change transforms longstanding precipitation and agricultural patterns, humans, animals, plants, and entire economies are being forced to migrate in search of one increasingly scarce resource: water. As access to water re-shapes political geographies of migration, production, and conflict, this panel discusses the crucial role that states play in maintaining human and environmental peace, health, and security, in an increasingly water-scarce world.
Ken Conca, American University
Abule Mehare, Institute of Strategic Affairs
Debora Van Nijnatten, Wilfrid Laurier University/BSIA
Moderated by Ann Fitz-Gerald, Balsillie School of International Affairs