The Balsillie Papers is a peer-reviewed journal that launched in spring 2020 to provide clear, concise articles about today’s most complex issues in global governance and international affairs. Bridging sophisticated research with practice in a compact and digestible form, the objective of the Balsillie Papers is to provide a window into the intricate workings of international politics today. Published by the BSIA, the articles offer real-world lessons and experiences to shape future policies and influence industry leaders and policymakers around the world.

Topics: The Balsillie Papers covers the entire global arena known as ‘international affairs’, including, but not limited to, subjects of conflict and security; migration, mobilities, and social politics; environment and resources; multilateral institutions; global political economy; global health; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and their intersection with global patterns of political resilience; human rights, equity, diversity, inclusion, and gender.

Submissions: The submission guidelines can be found on the Balsillie Papers website.

Publication: The Balsillie Papers are openly accessible. Articles are published only after a double-blind peer review by domain experts.

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