Dr. Sujata Ramachandran is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, involved with the SSHRC-funded MiFOOD Project and Southern African Migration Programme (SAMP). Trained as a human geographer, she has extensive experience researching migration in Canada, Southern Africa and South Asia. Sujata has worked as a researcher for many years with SAMP and participated in various projects on diaspora development engagement, xenophobia and migrant integration, refugee economies, crisis-related displacement and other issues funded by various international agencies. She has contributed background research for UNDP’s Human Development Report and the Global Commission for International Migration (GCIM). She has consulted for the World Bank on gender and forced displacement.
Sujata recently participated in two studies on labour migration and mixed flows for the ILO-IOM-UNHCR-UNODC-led Southern African Migration Management Project (SAMM). She is currently engaged in a pilot study of migration statistics in South Africa for the African Union’s Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP), with Professor Crush and Statistics South Africa.
Sujata’s research examines the intricacies of the linkages between migration, migrants and their receiving and sending country settings, prospects, hurdles and frictions tied to these relationships, and their impacts on processes of development and transformation.