Dr. Steve Sider is associate dean and professor in the Faculty of Education at Wilfrid Laurier University where he teaches courses in global education, school leadership, and inclusive education. He currently holds three Canadian national research grants examining inclusive leadership practices of Canadian school principals. He travels regularly to Haiti, Ghana, and Egypt where he is involved in school leadership and special education training and research. He is the 2019 winner of the Laurier Donald F. Morgenson Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence in the category of Excellence in Internationalization.
Steve Sider
Associate Dean and Professor, Faculty of Education, Wilfrid Laurier University

BSIA Fellow
BSIA Fellow
Steve Sider
Associate Dean and Professor, Faculty of Education, Wilfrid Laurier University
- Sider, S. & Maich, K. (2022). Leadership for inclusive schools: Cases from principals for supporting students with special educational needs. Rowman and Littlefield.
- Sider, S., Beck, K., Eizadirad, A., & Morvan, J. (2022). Canadian perspectives: Performative commitments on equity, diversity, and inclusion by educational institutions. Global Comparative Education Journal, 6(1), 15-28.
- Sider, S. (2021). Agregando nuevas “C” a nuestro léxico sobre el futuro de la investigación en educación comparada: complejidad, cuidado y cautela [trans: Adding new “C”s to our lexicon when considering the future of comparative education: Contrasts, complexity, care, and caution]. Revista Española de Educación Comparada [Spanish Journal of Comparative Education], 40, 35-49.
- Sider, S., Morvan, J., & Borner, M. (2021). Partnerships to support quality education in Haiti: A case study addressing the Sustainable Development Goals. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.
- Sider, S. (2020). School principals and students with special education needs in a pandemic: Emerging insights from Ontario, Canada. International Studies in Educational Administration, 48(2), 78-84.
- Sider, S. (2019). Peer coaching in a school in Cairo, Egypt: Implementation, barriers, and pathways to effective adoption. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 8(1), 37-51.