
Lea Dörflinger

Lea Dörflinger is an exchange student in the Master of Arts in Global Governance program at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. She started her Master’s degree in Political and Administrative Science at the University of Konstanz in October 2022, with a focus on International Politics and European Integration. Lea holds a Bachelor’s degree in […]

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Ludmila Puchulu-Mocchiutti

Ludmila Puchulu is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Global Governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, situated in Waterloo, Ontario. She completed her undergraduate studies at Bennington College in 2021, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics and Anthropology, along with a minor in Chinese. During her time as an undergraduate student,

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Madelyn Rawlyk

Madelyn Rawlyk is a Master’s of Global Governance candidate at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. She graduated from Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan in 2023 with a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in marketing achieving high honours and great distinction. Rawlyk is interested in researching global environmental governance by exploring corporate

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Matthew Dang

Matthew Dang is a student in the Global Governance program at the Balisillie School of International Affairs. He is a recent graduate of the Environment, Resources and Sustainability program at the University of Waterloo. During his undergraduate education, he focused on a number of issues and topics related to the environment and sustainability, including environmental

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Samuel Brenneman Ramer

Sam is a student at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in the Master of Arts in Global Governance program. Sam graduated from the University of Waterloo with a degree in Honors history. He focused primarily on Middle Eastern and Palestinian politics and history, and his undergraduate thesis focused on the machinations and impacts of

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Samuel Taylor

Samuel Taylor is a master’s student at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in the Master of Arts in Global Governance program. He recently graduated from Carleton University with a Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management, with a Concentration in Global Economic Relations and a Minor in History. Throughout his undergraduate experience, Samuel has

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Varinia Valentina Salazar Barrientos

Varinia Salazar is an honor alumni from University of Guanajuato and has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. She is a Mitacs Globalink alumni and did an internship in 2022 in the Gender + Migration Hub with Professor Jenna Hennebry. Currently part of the research team in Between LGBT* She is interested in LGBTIQ+ migration

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Alexia Phillips

Alexia Phillips is a dedicated graduate student in the International Public Policy program at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. She recently graduated with honours from Wilfrid Laurier University, where she earned her Bachelor’s in Global Studies, with a concentration in International Development and the International Policy Option. During her academic journey, Alexia has demonstrated

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Christy Lorenz

Christy Lorenz graduated in 2022 with First Class distinction from Glendon College, York University, earning a bilingual Honours International Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and Communications. She spent the last six months of her degree studying abroad at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, where she honed her understanding of international politics, soaked

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Grace Mamie Kargobai

Grace Mamie Kargobai is a policy enthusiast and an aspiring author with an innate passion for life, environmental sustainability, fashion, and women’s empowerment. She currently holds key technical leadership roles with the Government of Sierra Leone as the Head of Delivery at the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education and the Executive Assistant to

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Jessica Uitvlugt

Jessica Uitvlugt is a current graduate student at the Basillie School of International Affairs pursuing her Master’s degree in International Public Policy. Before attending the Basillie School of International Affairs, Jessica attended Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, achieving a Honours Bachelor of Arts with a major in political studies, a minor in philosophy and a

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Julye-Anne McKenny

Julye-Anne McKenny is a student at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in the Master of International Public Policy program. She recently graduated from Thompson Rivers University (TRU) with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and a minor in creative writing. At TRU Julye-Anne was deeply involved on campus. She worked for four

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