Ken Jackson

Associate Professor, Economics

(519) 884-0710 | Ext. 2316

Laurier Office: P3080


An Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University, Ken Jackson studies the relationship between social structures and economic development. This research follows two primary tracks. The first element of his research considers the effects of institutional development on the evolution of social norms, with trust and cooperation as the key current focus. The second track explores the relationship between government effectiveness and diversity, particularly ethnic and religious diversity, and how institutional development can improve government efficiency in the presence of diversity.

Select Publications

  • Jackson, K. 2010. “Adaptive Institutions: Contract Enforceability and the Evolution of Social Capital”.


  • Ph.D., Economics, University of British Columbia, 2010
  • B.Sc. Physical Geography, University of British Columbia, 1998