Kaitlyn Berriman

Master of Arts in Global Governance    

Kaitlyn Berriman

Kaitlyn Berriman

Master of Arts in Global Governance

Kaitlyn Berriman holds an Honours Bachelor’s Degree of Social Science in International Studies and Modern Languages from the University of Ottawa. She graduated in 2018 with honours after having participated in the French Immersion stream and choosing Spanish as her modern language of focus. In 2019 Kaitlyn completed a Certificate in Common Law from the University of Ottawa in order to complement and augment her understanding of various topics of international affairs from a legal perspective.

During her degree Kaitlyn got involved in the community by volunteering at the foodbank, an elementary school tutoring English, and a free mobile bookstore. She also volunteered at the University of Ottawa’s Human Rights Research and Education Centre.

Throughout her undergrad, Kaitlyn explored topics relating to international affairs, peace, conflict and transitional justice, international law, and social justice and human rights. She developed expertise on these issues focusing on the regions of Latin America and Africa. While spending a semester abroad in Madrid, Spain Kaitlyn was also exposed to Spanish and European perspectives on international affairs.

While at the Balsillie School, Kaitlyn will be focusing on the research clusters of Multilateral Institutions and Diplomacy, Global Justice and Human Rights, and Conflict and Security. Her studies and research will revolve around efforts to improve people’s security through the protection and promotion of human rights, social justice, and community involvement. She would like to (re)evaluate how human rights are protected, and how social justice can be better ensured through the cooperation of all sectors and levels of governance. Kaitlyn will examine multidisciplinary solutions that consider the legal system, society, politics, local cultures, and practical applications. Her goals include improving global infrastructure, governance, and state accountability to reduce poverty, violence, resource scarcity, and to improve social services. Overall, she is interested in how international organizations, NGOs, governments and communities can work together to further the provision of human rights and combat prevalent issues through diplomacy and various models of governance.


  • Global Governance Fellowship, 2020
  • Graduated Honours BASOC, Cum Laude 2018


  • Certificate in Law, University of Ottawa, 2018-2019
  • Honours Bachelor in Social Science International Studies and Modern Languages, Cum Laude – French Immersion, University of Ottawa, 2014-2018