John P. Hirdes is Professor of Applied Health Sciences at the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo. His primary areas of interest include geriatric assessment, mental health, health care and service delivery, case mix systems, quality measurement, health information management, and quantitative research methods. Working as the senior Canadian Fellow and as a Board Member of interRAI, an international consortium of researchers from over 35 countries, Dr. Hirdes also chairs interRAI’s International Network of Excellence in Mental Health and the interRAI Network of Canada.
John P. Hirdes
Professor at the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo

BSIA Fellow
BSIA Fellow
John P. Hirdes
Professor at the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo
- Hirdes JP, van Everdingen C, Ferris J, et al. 2019. “The interRAI Suite of Mental Health Assessment Instruments: An Integrated System for the Continuum of Care.” Front Psychiatry 10:926.
- Hirdes JP, Heckman GA, Morinville A, et al. 2019. “One Way Out? A Multistate Transition Model of Outcomes After Nursing Home Admission.” J Am Med Dir Assoc. Apr 4.
- Hirdes JP, Bernier J, Garner R, Fines P, Jantzi M. 2018. “Measuring health related quality of life (HRQoL) in community and facility-based care settings with the interRAI assessment instruments: development of a crosswalk to HUI3.” Qual Life Res 27 (5):1295-1309.
- Hirdes JP, Poss JW, Mitchell L, Korngut L, Heckman G. 2014. “Use of the interRAI CHESS scale to predict mortality among persons with neurological conditions in three care settings.” PLoS One 9 (6).
- Hirdes JP, Poss JW, Caldarelli H, et al. 2013. “An evaluation of data quality in Canada’s Continuing Care Reporting System (CCRS): secondary analyses of Ontario data submitted between 1996 and 2011.” BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 13:27.
- Hirdes JP, Freeman S, Smith TF, Stolee P. 2012. “Predictors of caregiver distress among palliative home care clients in Ontario: evidence based on the interRAI Palliative Care.” Palliat Support Care 10 (3):155-63.
- Hirdes JP, Mitchell L, Maxwell CJ, White N. 2011. “Beyond the ‘iron lungs of gerontology’: using evidence to shape the future of nursing homes in Canada.” Can J Aging 30 (3):371-90.
- Hirdes JP, Poss JW, Curtin-Telegdi N. 2008. “The Method for Assigning Priority Levels (MAPLe): a new decision-support system for allocating home care resources.” BMC medicine 6 (1):9.
- Hirdes JP, Ljunggren G, Morris JN, et al. 2008. “Reliability of the interRAI suite of assessment instruments: a 12-country study of an integrated health information system.” BMC Health Serv Res 8:277.
- Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Rabinowitz T, Morris JN. 2007. “Comprehensive assessment of persons with bipolar disorder in long-term care settings: the potential of the interRAI family of instruments.” In: Sajatovic M, Blow FC, eds. Bipolar disorders in late life. Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 27-49.
- Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Morris JN, et al. 2004. “Home care quality indicators (HCQIs) based on the MDS-HC.” The Gerontologist. 44 (5):665-679.