Jeff Casello

BSIA Board Chair   Associate Vice President Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs  

Jeff Casello
Board Member
Board Member

Jeff Casello

BSIA Board Chair

Associate Vice President Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs

(519) 888-4567


Professor Jeff Casello’s interests lie in urban transportation systems and their impacts on healthy and economically viable urban areas. As such, he conducts research on the planning, design and operation of systems that promote efficient, balanced transportation, enhances regional economic competitiveness and supports social mobility.

He has written more than 60 articles and reports for both scholarly and professional audiences. Dr. Casello is the lead author (with Vukan R. Vuchic) of Transit Planning for the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s (ITE) 3rd edition of the Transportation Planning Handbook. In 2009, he co-authored a report for the Canadian Urban Transportation Association (CUTA) assessing the economic benefits of transit for Canada. Dr. Casello co-authored (with his student, Will Towns) the Urban chapter for Natural Resources Canada’s 2017 Climate Risk and Adaptation in the Transportation Sector.

In 2014, Dr. Casello spoke to members of Canadian Parliament on the future of public transportation. In 2016, he helped develop the regional transportation policy for the Mayors of Southwestern Ontario.

Professionally, Professor Casello has worked with many transit agencies and cities in the US, Canada and abroad. These include Singapore (Land Transport Authority), Washington DC (WMATA), Houston (METRO), Philadelphia (SEPTA), the Regional Municipality of Waterloo (GRT), the City of Kingston and Mexico City (DF).