James Orr is a PhD student at the Balsillie School of International Affairs through Wilfrid Laurier University. His research focuses on the sociological legitimacy of the International Criminal Court throughout Africa. More broadly, he is interested in how international institutions with primarily Western foundations are perceived in the Global South. James completed a MA in Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan in 2022 and a BA (Honours) in English with a minor in Political Science at Mount Royal University in 2020. His MA thesis focused on the legitimacy cost incurred by the International Criminal Court’s case selection strategy during investigations initiated by the governments of states referring situations within their own territory to the Court.
James Orr
PhD in Global Governance

James Orr
PhD in Global Governance
- Balsillie Doctoral Fellowship (2022)
- University of Saskatchewan New Faculty Student Support Program Award (2021)
- University of Saskatchewan Graduate Teaching Fellowship (2020 & 2021)
- University of Saskatchewan Political Studies Department Scholarship (2020 & 2021)
- Phebe Winifred Rowles Memorial Scholarship (2020)
- Master of Arts in Political Studies, University of Saskatchewan, 2022
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English, Mount Royal University, 2020