Hongying Wang

Associate Professor, Political Science

519-888-4567 | Ext. 32143


UW Office: Hagey Hall 301


Hongying Wang is an associate professor of political science at the University of Waterloo and a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). She holds a BA from Peking University and a PhD from Princeton University. She teaches courses on Chinese political economy, Chinese politics, China and global governance, and Global South. Her research explores the interaction between structural and ideational forces, and between the domestic and the international in world politics and political economy. She is the author of Weak State, Strong Networks: The Institutional Dynamics of Foreign Direct Investment in China and co-editor (with Domenico Lombardi) of Enter the Dragon: China in the International Financial System. Her research has also been published in numerous academic journal articles, book chapters, and policy papers. In addition to her research and teaching, Professor Wang has been an active contributor to various public education programs. She has been a fellow of the “Public Intellectuals Program” of the National Committee on US-China Relations. She has appeared on various TV and radio programs, including C-SPAN, CBC, NPR, PBS, and TVO.


  • Residential Fellowship, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2005-2006
  • Junior Scholar Grant, the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, 2005-2006
  • Fellow, Public Intellectuals Program, National Committee on United States-China Relations, 2005-2007
  • Visiting Research Fellowship, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, 2000

Select Publications

  • Wang, Hongying. 2021. “Regime Complexity and Complex Foreign Policy: China in International Development Finance Governance.” Global Policy.
  • Yu, Hanzhi and Hongying Wang. 2021. “The Emergence of Chinese High- and New-technology Companies in the Global Arena: Challenges and Opportunities for Governance Innovation.” Journal of Chinese Governance.
  • Wang, Hongying and Hanzhi Yu. 2021. “Aspiring Rule-makers: Chinese Business Actors in Global Governance.” Journal of Chinese Governance.
  • Zheng, Liansheng and Hongying Wang. 2020. “Authority and Autonomy without Independence: The Gradual Institutional Change of the Chinese Central Bank.” Journal of Contemporary China.
  • Yang, Nana and Jin Hong, Hongying Wang and Ximing Liu. 2020. “Global value chains, industrial agglomeration and innovation performance in developing countries: Insights from China’s manufacturing industries.” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.
  • Cooper, Andrew and Hongying Wang. 2020. “China Engages Former Foreign Leaders: In Search of External Validation of Regime Legitimacy.” Asian Survey 60 (4).
  • Norrlof, Carla, Paul Poast, Benjamin J Cohen, Sabreena Croteau, Aashna Khanna, Daniel McDowell, Hongying Wang and W. Kindred Winecoff. 2020. “Symposium on Global Monetary Order and the Liberal Order Debate.” International Studies Perspectives 21 (2):109–153.
  • Kamel, Maha and Hongying Wang. 2019. “Petro-RMB? Oil Trade and the Internationalization of the Chinese Currency.” International Affairs 95 (5): 1131-1148.
  • Helleiner, Eric and Hongying Wang. 2019. “The Richness of Financial Nationalism: The Case of China.” Pacific Affairs 2019.
  • Hong, Jin, Ruonan Zhu, Bojun Hou and Hongying Wang. 2019. “Academia-industry collaboration and regional innovation convergence in China.” Knowledge Management Research & Practice 1-12.
  • Wang, Hongying. 2019. “The NDB and the AIIB: China’s Ambiguous Approach to Global Financial Governance.” Development and Change 50 (1): 221-244.
  • Helleiner, Eric and Hongying Wang. 2018. “Beyond the Tributary Tradition of Chinese IPE: The Indigenous Roots of Early Chinese Economic Nationalism.” , The Chinese Journal of International Politics 11 (4): 451–483.
  • Helleiner, Eric and Hongying Wang. 2018.“Limits to the BRICS Challenge: Credit Rating Reform and Institutional Innovation in Global Finance.” Review of International Political Economy October.
  • Wang, Hongying and XueYing Hu. 2017. “China’s Outgoing Investment and Corporate Social Responsibility: Preliminary Evidence of the ‘Boomerang Effect’.” Journal of Contemporary China 26(108): 820-833.
  • Wang, Hongying. 2017. “New Multilateral Development Banks: Opportunities and Challenges for Global Governance.” Global Policy 8(1): 113–118.
  • Wang, Hongying. 2015. “The Missing Link in Sino-Latin American Relations.” Journal of Contemporary China 24(95): 922-942.
  • Wang, Hongying and Erik French. 2014. “China’s Participation in Global Economic Governance.” Asian Economic Policy Review 9(2): 254-271.
  • Pang, Zhongying and Hongying Wang. 2013. “Debating International Institutions and Global Governance: The Missing Chinese IPE Contribution.” Review of International Political Economy 20(6): 1189-1214.
  • Wang, Hongying and Erik French. 2013. “Middle Range Powers in Global Governance.” Third World Quarterly 34(6): 985-999
  • Wang, Hongying and Erik French. 2013. “China’s Participation in Global Governance in Comparative Perspective.” Asian Policy 15: 89-114.


  • Ph.D. Princeton University, 1996
  • M.A. Princeton University, 1992
  • M.A. Ohio University, 1990
  • B.A. Peking University, 1987