Fahkri Karray is a Research Chair Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and holds the Loblaws Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence. He is the Co-Director of the University of Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute (waterloo.ai). Professor Karray’s research interests are in the areas of operational artificial intelligence, cognitive machines, natural human-machine interaction, autonomous and intelligent systems. Applications of Karray’s research include cognitive and self-aware machines/robots/vehicles, predictive analytics in supply chain management and intelligent transportation systems.
Fahkri Karray
Research Chair Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo Loblaws Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence Co-Director of the University of Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute

BSIA Fellow
BSIA Fellow
Fahkri Karray
Research Chair Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
Loblaws Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence
Co-Director of the University of Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute