Fahd Shah

Master of International Public Policy, 2022    

Photo of Fhad Shah

Fahd Shah

Master of International Public Policy, 2022

Fahd Shah completed his bachelor’s in arts at the University of Toronto in 2021. He chose to specialize in political science, and focused mainly on international relations, and political economy. Fahd studied the intricacies of political economy both through a theoretical, and practical lens. Fahd also thoroughly focused on the topic of labour, how a working day is setup, and what it may look like in the future, through an economic and capitalistic perspective. Furthermore, he also focused on international relations, trade, and war. He studied the intricacies of civil war, and which micro, or macro factors can affect a civil war. Some of Fahd’s major works in his undergraduate degree involved analyzing current economic events through the lens of different economist, analyzing the current state of the European Union, and how UN peacekeeping operates in a civil war.

At the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Fahd hopes to deepen his understanding in political economy, and international affairs. He seeks to specialize in international economic relations, and human security. An ideal career for Fahd would be in which he can utilize his passion and understanding to analyze policies regarding international trade, government spending, developmental policies, and overall aid.


  • UTM 50th Anniversary Scholar Award 2020
  • UofT Undergraduate Scholarship 2017-18, 2020-21
  • Laurier Graduate Scholarship, 2021-22


  • Honours Bachelors of Arts, Political Science Specialist, University of Toronto, 2021