Callan Zackri Woolnough

Master of International Public Policy    




Callan Zackri Woolnough

Master of International Public Policy


Callan Zackri Woolnough is a student in the International Public Policy Masters program at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. Before starting with the institution he graduated with Honours with an undergraduate degree in Political Science from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2022. During his undergraduate degree, he made a conscious effort to be involved amongst the Black community on Laurier, and would not only be an executive member of the Caribbean students’ association but would also work on the Beating The Odds conference for children to see they can achieve post-secondary school accolades, and prestige.

Through multicultural lived experiences, ranging from Jamaica to Japan, Callan has been able to grow a love for human rights, and as well as policies with a focus on humanity, and their security. Callan strongly believes that by studying at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, he will have attained the necessary skills required to accurately and effectively create policy and implement it, to create a safer and more secure world that people can thrive in without fear.

After completion of this program Callan’s goals are to be an aid in formulation of policies within Canada, specifically to those who do not feel secure, and theoretically be a voice for them through policy formulation. Callan has a vision of a career working for the United Nations, where he would put his best efforts forward to aid in human security globally.


  • Wilfrid Laurier University – 2018-2022, Honours Political Science
  • ADAPT program – 2023
  • Foundations in Public Policy – 2024