Alan Sovran

BSIA Fellow    

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BSIA Fellow
BSIA Fellow



Alan Sovran

BSIA Fellow

Alan Sovran is a policy and programs expert with diverse experience contributing to research, analyses, and interventions related to a variety of policy areas. This work includes preparing and delivering remarks on proposed digital media tariffs at the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, participating in multi-disciplinary summits examining policy solutions to microplastics pollution in the Great Lakes for the International Joint Commission, and contributing to a national program seeking solutions to housing supply barriers for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

In Alan’s current work as a Policy Analyst with the Office of Energy Research and Development (OERD) at Natural Resources Canada, he contributes to innovation strategy development, as well as the design and delivery of support for decarbonization efforts in the Canadian transportation sector. As a member of the federal public service, Alan has additionally fulfilled roles related to policy analysis and evaluation with the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Alan has also acted as an Instructor at the Balsillie Executive Institute, delivering a course titled Evidence-Based Decision-Making for Public Policy, in French, to internationally focused members of Canada’s federal public service in November 2023.

Alan holds a Bachelor of Arts specializing in Environmental Governance from the University of Guelph and a Master of International Public Policy (MIPP) from Wilfrid Laurier University specializing in International Economic Relations. In 2022, Alan was the recipient of the Andrew & Agnes International Public Policy Award based on academic achievement.