Jörg Broschek

Professor of Political Science and Laurier Research Chair   BSIA Fellow  

Jörg Broschek
BSIA Fellow
BSIA Fellow



Jörg Broschek

Professor of Political Science and Laurier Research Chair

BSIA Fellow

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Jörg Broschek is Laurier Research Chair and Professor of Political Science at Wilfrid Laurier University. His research examines how federal systems and more encompassing multilevel spaces of political and economic integration – like the European Union and North America – adjust to new international and domestic challenges. His current work focuses on

  • Federalism/multilevel governance and public policy (current focus: trade policy, transportation policy) )
  • Institutional change in federal systems
  • Intergovernmental relations
  • Theories and methods in the field of comparative federalism and multilevel governance

Dr. Broschek has been principal investigator and co-applicant on successful Connection, Insight and Partnership Development, and Partnership Engage Grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). His articles have been published in academic journals including the Journal of European Public Policy, Policy and Governance, the Journal of Common Market Studies, the Canadian Journal of Political Science, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Regional and Federal Studies, the Swiss Political Science Review, Comparative European Politics and Territory, Politics, Governance.


  • 2023  Laurier Research Chair
  • 2019  SSHRC – Partnership Engage Grant “Assessing Provincial Engagement in Trade: Strategies, Modes and Best Practices” (Co-applicant, $24,700, 2019-2022)
  • 2017    SSHRC – Partnership Development Grant “IMPoRT: Investigating Multilevel Politics through Research in Trade” (Principal Investigator, $197,620, 2017-2022)
  • 2016    SSHRC – Connection Grant “The Multilevel Politics of Trade in North America and Europe: Configurations, Patterns, Dynamics” (Co-applicant, $25,000, 2016-2017)
  • 2016    SSHRC – Insight Grant “The Politics of Federal Reform: Australia, Canada, Germany, and Switzerland since the 1990s” (Principal Investigator, $117,764, 2016-2022)
  • 2013; 2018 SSHRC – Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Comparative Federalism and Multilevel Governance ($500,000, 2013-2018; renewed: $500,000, 2018-2023)

Select Publications

  • Broschek, Jörg. 2023. “Multilevel trade policy in the joint-decision trap? The case of CETA.” Politics and Governance, online first
  • Broschek, Jörg and Christian Freudlsperger. 2023. “Regional involvement in EU trade policy: what remains after politicization?” Journal of European Public Policy, online first
  • Broschek, Jörg. 2023. “Introduction: Federalism and international trade policy. Constituent units’ engagement in North America and Europe.” Regional and Federal Studies 33 (1), 1-22.
  • Broschek, Jörg. 2023 “The federalization of trade politics in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.” Regional and Federal Studies 33 (1), 91-112.
  • Broschek, Jörg. 2022. “Federalism, political leadership and the Covid-19 pandemic: Explaining Canada’s tale of two federations.” Territory, Politics, Governance 10 (6), 779-798.
  • Broschek, Jörg and Patricia Goff. 2022. “Explaining sub-federal variation in trade agreement negotiations: The case of CETA.” Journal of Common Market Studies 60 (3), 801-820.
  • Benz, Arthur, Jörg Broschek and Markus Lederer (eds.). 2021.A Research Agenda for Multilevel Governance. Cheltenham: Elgar..
  • Broschek, Jörg. 2021. “Boundary Control and Education Policy in Federal Systems: Explaining Sub-federal resilience in Canada and Germany.” In Comparative Education 57 (4), 452-473.