Veronica Kitchen

Associate Professor, Political Science    

Veronica Kitchen



Veronica Kitchen

Associate Professor, Political Science

(519) 888-4567 | Ext. 32418

UW Office: 312 Hagey Hall

  University Profile

Veronica M. Kitchen is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Waterloo and in the Balsillie School of International Affairs. Her research is primarily on national security in a Canadian context, from the perspective of critical and feminist security studies. Her most recent book is Heroism and Global Politics (Routledge, 2018), co-edited with Jennifer Mathers.

Kitchen is an executive member of the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS) and in 2018-2019 was its Acting Director. She is an active member of Women in International Security (WIIS) Canada, and part of the editorial board of International Journal.

Prior to joining the University of Waterloo, Kitchen was a SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Centre of International Relations at the University of British Columbia. She completed her PhD in political science at Brown University, where she was a Fulbright Scholar. She has an undergraduate degree in International Relations from Trinity College at the University of Toronto.

Select Publications

  • Kitchen, Veronica and Jennifer Mathers, editors. Heroism in Global Politics. Routledge, 2018.
  • Kitchen, Veronica. 2016. “Veterans and military masculinity in popular romance fiction”. Critical Military Studies. 1-18.
  • Kitchen, Veronica. 2015. “The Ethics of Mega-Event Security: When the World Comes to Visit”. Unsettled Balance. Edited by Rosalind Warner. UBC Press.
  • Kitchen, Veronica M. and Kimberly Rygiel. 2015. “Integrated Security Networks: Less, Not More Accountability”. Putting the State on Trial: The Policing of Protest during the G20 Summit. Edited by Margaret Beare, Nathalie Des Rosiers, and Abigail C. Deshman. UBC Press.
  • Kitchen, Veronica, and Adam Molnar. 2015. “The Promise and Perils of Integrated Models of Public Safety in Canada”. Researching Terror Networks: From Radicalization to Counter-Terrorism Policies. Edited by Martin Bouchard. Routledge.
  • Kitchen, Veronica, and Kim Rygiel. 2014. “Privatizing Security, Securitizing Policing: The Case of the G20 in Toronto, Canada”. International Political Sociology. 82: 201-217.
  • Dunton, Caroline and Veronica Kitchen. 2014. “Paradiplomatic policing and relocating Canadian foreign policy”. International Journal. 69 (2).
  • Kitchen, Veronica. 2012. “Where is Internationalism? Canada-US Relations in the Context of the Global and the Local”. Canada in the World. Edited by H. Smith and C. Turenne-Sjolander. Oxford University Press.
  • Kitchen, Veronica. 2010. “NATO’s Out-of-Area Norm from Suez to Afghanistan”. Journal of Transatlantic Studies. 8 (2): 105-117.
  • Kitchen, Veronica and Karthika Sasikumar. 2009. “Canada (En)Counters Terrorism: US-Canada Relations and Counter-Terrorism Policy”. Terrorism and Political Violence. 21 (1): 155-173.
  • Kitchen, Veronica. 2009. “Argument and Identity Change in the Atlantic Security Community”. Security Dialogue. 40 (1).
  • Kitchen, Veronica and Petra Dolata-Kreutzkamp. 2008. “Canada-Germany Relations: Essays in Honour of Robert Spencer”. International Journal. 63 (3): 527-531.


  • Ph.D, Brown University, 2006
  • M.A., Brown University, 2003
  • B.A. (Hons), University of Toronto, 2001