Tim Elcombe

Associate Professor of Kinesiology & Physical Education    

Tim Elcombe
BSIA Fellow
BSIA Fellow



Tim Elcombe

Associate Professor of Kinesiology & Physical Education

519-884-0710 | Ext. 3959



Tim Elcombe, Ph.D, is an Associate Professor and past Department Chair of Kinesiology & Physical Education at Wilfrid Laurier University. Broadly speaking, Dr. Elcombe’s scholarship uses a pragmatic normative lens to examine concepts and issues related to sport ethics, cultural and political aspects of sport, sport development and governance, and social impact through sport (and inquiry). His current scholarly work involves developing normative concepts and tools to better understand problems (and resolution processes) in and through sport; considers the uses of sport as a sociocultural “tool”; applies philosophical pragmatism to address ethical issues in sport; and explores how sport (kinesiology) inquiry can be turned “inside out” to enhance its sociocultural impact. Dr. Elcombe’s research has been published in a range of academic volumes, including the Journal of the Philosophy of SportSport, Ethics and Philosophy, the SAIS Review of International AffairsJournal of Canadian StudiesThe Bloomsbury Companion to the Philosophy of Sport, and MacMillan’s Interdisciplinary Handbook dedicated to Sport Philosophy.