Roger Boyd

BSIA Fellow   PhD in Global Governance  

Roger Boyd
BSIA Fellow, Graduate
BSIA Fellow, Graduate



Roger Boyd

BSIA Fellow

PhD in Global Governance

Roger Boyd is a graduate of the Global Governance PhD program at the Balsillie School. His research is focused on the joint transitions of global power politics and the global energy system to low carbon sources, with specific focus on the interactions and dependencies of the two. He is working with a major academic publisher with respect to a book form of his PhD dissertation.

Prior to beginning his doctoral studies he spent 25 years as an executive in the financial industry, and authored a book exploring the links between the energy and financial systems. Most recently he has completed a novel based on a future climate change driven crisis.


  • Balsillie Doctoral Fellowship, 2017-2021

Select Publications

  • Boyd, Roger and Anastasia Ufimtseva. 2021. “Facilitating Peaceful Rise: The Increasing Role of Geopolitics and Domestic Legitimacy in China’s Energy Policy.” Energy Policy 158 (112532).
  • Belesova, Kristine, Ilan Kelman and Roger Boyd. 2016. “Governance through Economic Paradigms: Addressing Climate Change by Accounting for Health.” Politics & Governance 4 (4).
  • Boyd, Roger. 2015. “The Schizophrenic Society.” Self Published.
  • Boyd, Roger. 2014. “Energy & The Financial System.” Springer.


  • PhD Global Governance, Balsillie School, Canada (completed 2021; conv. 2022)
  • MA Economics for Transition, Plymouth University, UK, 2015
  • MA Global Studies, Athabasca University, Canada, 2013
  • MBA Finance, New York University, USA, 1994
  • BSc Information Systems, Kingston University, UK, 1987