Neil Craik

Professor of Law, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED)    

Neil Craik



Neil Craik

Professor of Law, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED)

BSIA Office: BSIA 317

  University Profile

Neil Craik is a Professor at the University of Waterloo with appointments to the Balsillie School of International Affairs and the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, where he teaches and researches in the fields of international and Canadian environmental law. His current research examines the legal structure of global commons regimes. Professor Craik has particular interests in climate and geoengineering law and governance, deep seabed mining regulation and environmental impact assessment. He is a Senior Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Co-director of the BSIA/CIGI International Law Summer Institute and from 2011 to 2017, Professor Craik served as the Director of the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development at the University of Waterloo. Professor Craik is currently the co-lead of the Environment and Resources Research Cluster at the BSIA.

Graduate Supervision
Professor Craik supervises both masters and Ph.D. students with interests in international environmental law and policy. He is particularly interested in students with research interests related to the governance of the global commons.


  • SSHRC, 2017, Insight Grant, “The International Law of the Global Commons: Towards a Global Constitutional Framework”, Principal Investigator
  • CIGI, 2017, “Liability for Environmental Harm from Activities in the Area”, Principal Investigator
  • SSHRC, 2015, Connection Grant, “CIGI-BSIA International Law Summer Institute”, Applicant
  • CIGI, 2013, Collaborative Research Award, “Developing a Geoengineering Research Registry”, Principal Investigator
  • SSHRC, 2012, Insight Development Grant, “Governing Geoengineering through Environmental Impact Assessment”, Principal Investigator
  • SSHRC, 2012, Insight Development Grant, “Impact and Benefit Agreements as Private Environmental Governance Schemes: Assessing Legitimacy”, co-PI
  • Law Foundation of Ontario, 2011, “Impact and Benefit Agreements as Private Environmental Governance Schemes: Assessing Legitimacy”, PI
  • Econoving Global Fellow, Université de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, 2010-11
  • SSHRC, 2010 “Designing Integration: Regional Cooperation on Climate Change Governance in North America”, Co-principal investigator (Public Outreach Grant)
  • SSHRC, 2008, “Greening the 49th: Transnational Challenges and Innovations in Canada- U.S. Environmental Governance Structures”, Principal Investigator (Standard Research Grant)
  • SSHRC, 2006, “International Law and Democratic Theory”, Co-Applicant (International Opportunities Fund)
  • Harrison McCain Foundation Young Scholar Award, 2007

Select Publications

  • Craik, Neil. 2020. “The Duty to Cooperate in the Customary Law of Environmental Impact Assessment” International and Comparative Law Quarterly, v.69, 239-259.
  • Craik, Neil. 2020. “Implementing Adaptive Management in Deep Seabed Mining: Legal and Institutional Challenges” Marine Policy, v.114 (20 pages).
  • Craik, Neil and Wil Burns. 2019. “Climate Engineering under the Paris Agreement”, 49 Environmental Law Reporter 11113.
  • Craik, Neil. 2019. “Liability for Environmental Harm from Deep Seabed Mining: Towards a Hybrid Approach” Ocean Yearbook, v.33, 315-338.
  • Craik, Neil. 2019. “Environmental Assessment: A Comparative Legal Analysis.” In Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Law, edited by Vinuales and Lees. Oxford University Press.
  • Craik, Neil, C. Jefferies, S. Seck and T. Stephens, eds. 2018. Global Environmental Change and Innovation in International Law. Cambridge University Press.
  • Craik, Neil. 2018. “Environmental Impact Assessment.” In Principles of Environmental Law, edited by Kramer and Orlando. Edward Elgar Publishing (part of Encyclopedia of Environmental Law).
  • Craik, Neil. 2018. “Legal Liability for Environmental Harm: Synthesis and Overview.” CIGI, Liability Issues for Deep Seabed Mining Series, Paper, No. 1.
  • Craik, Neil. 2017. “Biodiversity-inclusive Impact Assessment.” In Biodiversity and Nature Protection Law, edited by Razzaque and Morgera, 431-444. Edward Elgar Publishing (part of Encyclopedia of Environmental Law).
  • Craik, Neil. 2017. “Indigenous – corporate private governance and legitimacy: Lessons learned from impact and benefit agreements.” Resources Policy (52): 379-388, (first author, with Gardner and McCarthy).
  • Craik, Neil. 2017. “Developing a National Strategy for Climate Engineering Research in Canada.” CIGI Paper No. 150.
  • Craik, Neil. 2016. “Process and Reconciliation: Integrating the Duty to Consult with Environmental Assessment.” Osgoode Hall Law Journal 53(2): 632-680.
  • Craik, Neil with D. VanNijnatten. 2016. “Bundled Transgovernmental Networks: Agency, Autonomy and Regulatory Cooperation in North America.” North Carolina Journal of International Law 41: 491-532.
  • Craik, Neil. 2016. “Enforcement and Liability for Environmental Regulation of Deep Seabed Mining.” Discussion Paper No. 4, International Seabed Authority, Kingston, Jamaica.


  • SJD, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, 2005
  • LL.M., University of Edinburgh, 1996
  • LL.B., Dalhousie Law School, 1991
  • B.A., McGill University, 1988