Hari KC

PhD in Global Governance, 2022    

Hari KC



Hari KC

PhD in Global Governance, 2022

Hari KC is a doctoral candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University. His dissertation examines labour migration governance with a focus on Nepali women migrant workers in the Gulf countries.

Born and raised in the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal, Hari’s professional background comprises work in diverse areas, including academia, NGOs, diplomacy, and the media. In 2014, he worked as a Career Counsellor at The Working Centre, a Kitchener-based community enterprise, where he provided career advice and settlement support to newcomers to Canada. Prior to immigrating to Canada in 2011, Hari worked for the Kathmandu-based BBC Media Action as a production team member for a television program, and used that platform to advocate for social justice, good governance, and women’s empowerment. He served at The Carter Center in Kathmandu as an elections observer during Nepal’s Constituent Assembly elections in 2008, and as a political analyst and media monitor at the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu in 2007. From 2002 to 2010, Hari taught undergraduate English at Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu.


Media Op-ed


  • CBC Kitchener Radio, April 12, 2013 (on issues related to granting voting rights to permanent residents at municipal elections in Canada)


  • SSHRC Award, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2018-2020)
  • IDRC Doctoral Research Award, International Development Research Centre (2017)
  • OGS, Wilfrid Laurier University, 2017
  • Balsillie Doctoral Fellowship, Balsillie School of International Affairs, WLU (2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018)
  • Dean’s Pick Award, Conrad Grebrel, University of Waterloo (2014)
  • Helmut Braun Memorial Award, Centre for Community Based Research (2013)
  • Beltz Essay Award, Department of English, University of Waterloo (2012)

Select Publications

  • KC, Hari. (2019). “The New Geographies of Globalization: An Analysis of Women’s Labour Migration from Nepal to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries.” Eds, Preet Aulakh and Philip Kelly. Asian Connections: Linking Mobilities Labour and Capital. Cambridge University Press: London.
  • KC, Hari. (2019). “Power and Sandwiched Sovereignty: Nepali Migrant Workers in the Gulf Countries.” Ed, Armağan Teke Lloyd. Exclusion and Inclusion in International Migration: Power, Resistance and Identity. Transnational Press: London.
  • Hennebry, J., KC, H., & Piper, N. (2018). Not without them: Realising the sustainable
    development goals for women migrant workers. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-17.
  • KC, Hari & Hennebry, Jenna. (2018). “Gender, labour migration governance, and the SDGs: Lessons from the case of Nepal.” Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Global Governance Challenges, eds. Simon Dalby, Susan Horton and Rianne Mahon, with Diana Thomaz
  • KC, H. (2016). “Disability Discourse in South Asia and Global Disability Governance.
    Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 5(4), 25-62.
  • KC, H. “Ideological Ambivalence in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman”: Molung
    Research Journal, 2009.

Other Publications

  • “Creative Ingenuity of Folks: Some Critical Thoughts on Riddles in Vogue in Gulmi”: Kaushiki, 2010.
  • “Horror of the Human Heart: Natsume Soseki’s Cynicism in Kokoro”: Pursuits, Tribhuvan University, 2010.
  • “Pessimism and the Sense of the Divided Self: Twin Threats to Afro American People”:
    Research Orchard, 2009.
  • Aathpahariya Rai Folklore and Folklife. Nepali Folklore Society: Kathmandu, Nepal.
    (Translated this book from the Nepali language to English).
  • “Else You Are Doomed to Cipher”: A poem appeared in Of Nepalese Clay, 2009.
  • “To Thee”: A poem published in Cortex, a publication of the Department of English,
    University of Waterloo, 2012.


  • Master’s in Peace and Conflict Studies, Conrad Grebel, U of Waterloo, 2015
  • Master’s in English, University of Waterloo, 2012
  • Master’s in English, Tribhuvan University, 2002
  • Bachelor’s in Economics & English, Tribhuvan University, 1996