Looking for an expert opinion on international issues?  The people listed in this search area are subject matter experts who have indicated their interest in speaking with the media.

  • Regions

Jacob Benjamin

Topics: South China Sea geopolitics; Chinese foreign policy in Southeast Asia; Canada in the Indo-Pacific

Angela V. Carter

Angela Carter

Topics: Climate policy and politics; Fossil fuel wind down

Kristen Csenkey

Kristen Csenkey

Topics: Cyber governance; Emerging technologies; Innovation

Susan Elliott

Susan Elliott

Topic: Global water security

Ann Fitz-Gerald

Ann Fitz-Gerald

Topics: National security; International security conflict; Conflict resolution; National security; Governance; Defence and armed forces; Justice

Kamiel S. Gabriel

Kamiel S. Gabriel

Topics: Clean energy; climate change; environmental issues; Hydrogen economy

Patricia Goff

Patricia Goff

Topics: Canadian trade policy; Inclusive trade; The cultural exemption

Erin Hannah

Erin Hannah

Topics: International trade governance; Gender and trade; Canadian trade policy

Jenna L. Hennebry

Jenna L. Hennebry

Topics: Global migration governance; Labour migration policy; Gender and migration; Migrant workers’ rights and health

Eric Hubberstey

Eric Hubberstey

Topics: International organizations; European Union; Identity politics; Federal and unitary systems

Veronica Kitchen

Veronica Kitchen

Topics: Canada-US security; Canadian national security; Gender and security; National security policing

Randolph Mank

Randolph Mank

Topics: Canadian foreign policy; Canada-Asia relations; Geopolitical risks; Diplomacy and technology


The Balsillie School of International Affairs is located in the CIGI Campus in Waterloo, Canada.

67 Erb Street West
Waterloo, ON N2L 6C2