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Levers for Food Systems Change: A Panel Discussion on Urban Food Security, Food Justice, and International Agreements

October 23, 2018 @ 8:30 am - 10:30 am


Over the last three years various international agreements have highlighted the need for greater coordination along the food chain and increased food justice in creating urban food security. These international agreements have set the stage for new urban food policy to emerge. At this panel discussion, food system experts from Wilfrid Laurier University, Carleton University, and the City of Toronto will explore how we can use the New Urban Agenda and other international agreements (SDGs and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact) as levers for changing the food system.

A light breakfast will be served.

Registration is required.

Panel moderated by:

Dr. Alison Blay-Palmer, Director of the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems and Associate Professor in Geography and Environmental Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University

With panelists:

Dr. Patricia Ballamingie, Associate Professor in Environmental Studies and Human Geography at Carleton University
Barbara Emanuel, Manager Toronto Food Strategy, Toronto Public Health
Dr. Theresa Schumilas, Postdoctoral Fellow in Geography and Environmental Science at Wilfrid Laurier University


October 23, 2018
8:30 am - 10:30 am


In Person
Balsillie School of International Affairs, 67 Erb Street West
Waterloo, ON N2L 6C2 Canada
+ Google Map
(226) 772-3001
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