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Innovative Approaches to Migration and Food Security in Urbanizing Kenya

May 17, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Presentation No. 1: Food Insecurity in East Africa: Applied Approaches for Transformative Research

Speakers: Dr Sam Owuor and Dr Cherie Enns

Dr Samuel Owuor
Samuel OwuorDr Samuel Owuor is an urban geographer and Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies in the Department of Geography, Population and Environmental Studies, University of Nairobi, Kenya. He holds a PhD in Human Geography from University of Amsterdam. He has, over the years, gained experience in scientific research and publication, teaching and supervision of graduate students. His research interests are in the fields of urban development and governance, urban poverty and livelihoods, urban food and nutrition security, and urban-rural linkages. He has been involved in the design and implementation of a number of funded collaborative and multi-disciplinary research projects.

Dr Cherie Enns
Cherie EnnsDr Cherie Enns, RPP, is an Associate Professor in the School of Land Use and Environmental Change and Global Development Studies at UFV. She is a registered urban planner and experienced educator with extensive experience engaging internationally. She has initiated and led international projects related to child rights, food systems, sustainable development goals (SDGs), urban planning policy, and youth engagement.


Presentation No. 2: Migration and Dietary Deprivation in Nairobi, Kenya

Speaker: Dr Elizabeth Onyango

Dr Elizabeth Onyango
Elizabeth OnyangoDr Elizabeth Onyango is and alumnus of University of Waterloo where she completed her PhD in Health Geography in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management where her research explored the health and wellbeing indicators that matter to Kenyans of different ages and genders from different regions in the country. In her recent role as a Queen Elizabeth Scholar (QES) and postdoctoral fellow at Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA) with the Hungry Cities Partnership, Dr Onyango’s research work focused on the role of formal and informal social protection systems in boosting food security status of urban households and effects of COVID-19 on household food security. Dr Onyango’s research interests include population health and well-being research in the global south with a focus on livelihoods and food insecurity, gender-based violence, youth development, maternal and child health and environmental health issues including sanitation and hygiene.

Presentation No. 3: Inside the System, Outside the Law: The Informal Food Economy in Nairobi, Kenya

Speakers: Zack Ahmed and Jeremy Wagner

Zack Ahmed
Zack AhmedZack Ahmed is a PhD candidate in the Global Governance program at the Balsillie School of International Affairs where he focuses his research on the south-south migration and food (in)security nexus. Zack completed the Master of International Public Policy Program at WLU in the 2020-2021 academic year where his interest in food security grew through a research project he completed on the impact of COVID-19 on women along the food supply chain in the global South.


Jeremy Wagner
Jeremy WagnerJeremy Wagner is a PhD Candidate at the Balsillie School of International Affairs where he studies urban food system governance and transformation.

Worker in a grocery store


May 17, 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:


Balsillie School of International Affairs, 67 Erb Street West
Waterloo, ON Canada
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