It is my pleasure to warmly welcome you to the
Balsillie School of International Affairs!

Located within the heart of the intellectual square mile of Waterloo, Ontario, and sharing a building with an eminent Canadian think tank, the mission of the Balsillie School of International Affairs is to develop new solutions to humanity’s critical challenges, to improve global governance now and in the future, and to contribute to enhancing the quality of people’s lives around the world. This is no small feat – but we are up for the challenge!

Students who undertake graduate studies at the BSIA are committed to investigating, understanding and shaping the complexities of our globalized world. Our School is not just a place of learning but also a vibrant community where diverse cultures, ideas, and talents come together to shape the future. We pride ourselves on the strength of our BSIA community – a community which is well-supported and which offers a wide range of research, professional development and policy-relevant opportunities to engage in. Our community brings together diverse disciplines and a wide range of faculty, fellows, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and students for various events and activities throughout the year. This engagement also encourages the participation of collaborative partners, such as the Centre for International Governance Innovation, and many international partner institutions. We encourage all members of our community to take full advantage of the unique opportunities that both our community – and our interdisciplinary approach – offer.

During times of turmoil, conflict and crisis, it is more important than ever that we focus on our BSIA mandate, and support our faculty and students as they carry out their research, teaching and learning. As a School with an international focus, we recognize the concern and distress that events around the world can have on our community. We believe that academic centres of excellence have important roles to play in providing safe and permissive spaces to continue, and to build on, scholarship and dialogue which welcomes, and benefits from, diverse perspectives on different issues. The Balsillie School is committed to facilitating this safe and constructive space for dialogue and to providing  kindness, respect and support to all impacted by events.

I am confident that your experience with the Balsillie School will be transformative, both academically and personally, and will help shape your future endeavours. I encourage you to embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and never hesitate to reach out for support and guidance along the way.

Headshot of Ann Fitz-Gerald wearing a dark blue blazer

Ann Fitz-Gerald

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