
Sunset shot with a palm tree and hammock in the foreground

Dispatch from the United Nations Development Programme in Fiji: Shaza Ahmed’s second blog from the field

Photo credit: Shaza Ahmed By Shaza Ahmed, MAGG I have been asked to attend as a rapporteur to a three-day workshop on the Coral Coast along the southern shores of the main island of Viti Levu. I have been to the Coral Coast before, it is a little slice of paradise just outside the capital […]

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View of the rainforest and ocean through the trees

Dispatch from the United Nations Development Programme in Fiji: Drake Kindred’s first blog from the field

Photo credit: Drake Kindred By Drake Kindred, MIPP Graduate To be honest, I knew very little about Fiji before arriving here, I merely knew of what Canadians interpret as bougie Fiji water, regional climate challenges, and their sugar cane industry. Knowing so little, it was an opportunity to broaden my horizons in a new hemisphere,

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a group of children on the beach, with garbage and plastic piled in front of them

Dispatch from UNESCO India: Saya Soma’s third blog from the field

Photo credit: https://maldives-magazine.com/news/soneva-aims-new-sustainability-achievements-for-2022.htm By Saya Soma, MAGG Both of my parents are elementary school teachers in rural Japan, where I am originally from. Growing up, I watched them exhaust themselves, working very long hours on weekdays and most weekends. My father was ‘voluntold’ to coach the afterschool baseball team at his school, which made him work

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Social media take-over image of Mackenzie White along with a group of women raising their hands

Dispatch from UNDP in Fiji: Mackenzie White’s second blog from the virtual field

Photo Credits: UNDP Pacific-Team Blogs, and Personal Photo of Social Media Takeover @unac_iddip By: Mackenzie White, MAGG Hi everyone! This is Mackenzie White, Junior Professional Consultant (JPC) with the Gender Department at the UNDP Pacific Office in Suva, Fiji. I am writing to you remotely from my home in London, Ontario, Canada, for my second

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An image of 4 children in a school classroom

Dispatch from UNESCO India: Larissa Prata Varella’s second blog from the virtual field

Photo credit: Whisper India By: Larissa Prata Varella, MIPP student In my last blog post, I gave you an overview of interning in the Education Sector of the UNESCO New Delhi office. Today, I would like to focus on a specific project that has been the core focus of my experience with the team: the

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Trees overhanging a concrete path with trees standing upright on the other side.

Dispatch from the United Nations Development Programme in Fiji: Shaza Ahmed’s first blog from the field

Photo credit: Shaza Ahmed By Shaza Ahmed, MAGG Words fall short of my gratitude at being able to experience this internship opportunity in-person at the UNDP Pacific Office. I have the privilege of working and living in another country, learning about a new culture, and making some impact. Not only is this opportunity in another

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Drawing of six diverse women for International Women's Day

Dispatch from UNESCO India: Aleyna Aygor’s third blog from the virtual field

Photo credit: Lumina By Aleyna Aygor, MIPP As we are nearing the end of my internship experience with UNESCO New Delhi, this blog post will unfortunately be the last update I share with you – so let’s make the most of it! To recap, I have been working on providing comments and editing student and

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A group of people sitting in front of an image of different women with the words #PowerOn

Dispatch from UNESCO India: Saya Soma’s second blog from the field

Photo credit: UNESCO By Saya Soma, MAGG One of the benefits of interning at UNESCO is the access to its career development resources prepared by the Headquarters in Paris for the interns. In the past month and a half while interning at the UNESCO New Delhi Cluster Office, I have attended several online workshops for

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A classroom with young adults all holding one hand up to indicate "5".

Dispatch From UNDP in Fiji: Chelsea Sidloski’s third blog from the virtual field

Photo credit: UNDP-Pacific Office By: Chelsea Sidloski, MIPP Hi there! It’s me again happy to update you all with a third blog post about my internship with the United Nations Development Programme-Gender Division at the Pacific Office in Suva, Fiji. I am currently writing from my desk at home in downtown Toronto, Ontario where I

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A man carrying banana leaves near the edge of water with a women and a boat in the background

Dispatch from UNDP in Fiji: Chelsea Sidloski’s second blog from the virtual field

Photo credit: UNDP Capture-Gender Division By: Chelsea Sidloski, MIPP Hello! My name is Chelsea Sidloski, and this is my second blog post about working remotely as a Junior Professional Consultant (JPC) in the UNDP Gender Department at the Pacific Office based out of Suva, Fiji. With having gained experience in a number of projects over

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Illustration from Habitat for Humanity of a school class learning about Menstruation

Dispatch from UNESCO India: Aleyna Aygor’s second blog from the virtual field

Photo credit: Habitat for Humanity Australia By Aleyna Agor, MIPP I have been working as a Junior Professional Consultant (JPC) at UNESCO New Delhi for about two months now. Under the supervision of the Head of the Education Unit and Programme Specialist, I meet the New Delhi team remotely and provide them support in the areas

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Chelsea Sidloski standing in front of a United Nations sign.

Dispatch from UNDP in Fiji: Chelsea Sidloski’s first blog from the virtual field

Photo credit: Chelsea Sidloski By: Chelsea Sidloski, MIPP Gender Equality is a fundamental human right that is an inherent component and indicator of economic growth and development. In Fiji and across the South Pacific islands, structural gender inequality and discrimination against women exists in various socioeconomic spheres such as women’s economic participation, government representation, and

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