BSIA to participate in SWR’s Carbon Cleanse competition for the second year

Beginning October 7th, the Balsillie School will be competing for the second time in Sustainable Waterloo Region’s Carbon Cleanse competition. The School will compete against organizations from all over the tri-cities in a month-long sustainability contest comprising daily and weekly challenges.

BSIA students, faculty, scholars and staff are invited to participate in the challenges and represent the BSIA community. For this year’s competition, SWR has gathered some fantastic sponsors and incredible prizes to be won before the challenge begins, during, and at the end of the month. Last year, BSIA members won three of these prizes!

The Balsillie School has been a member of SWR, a local nonprofit devoted to helping businesses and other organizations become more sustainable, since 2021. For more information and guidance on how to participate effectively, please get in touch with one of the members of the Global Climate Action Committee.