Dr. Bernard Owusu is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the SSHRC-funded MiFOOD project and CIHR Project on the COVID-19 pandemic. His research project focuses on “Assessing and Mitigating the Food Insecurity Consequences of COVID-19 Public Health Measurer on Marginalized Refugees and Migrants in Canada, Latin America, and Africa.” Within the MiFOOD Project, he will build on his doctoral work by investigating the food security situation among Ghanaian migrant households in Ghana and migrants in Qatar, as well as examine the role of migrants in the urban meat supply chain in Ghana. Bernard also has experience working on projects and research addressing the challenges and revitalizing small-scale food Fisheries and value chains in the Western Region of Ghana. His research on the meat value chain in Accra, Ghana, will provide an instructive empirical case for deepening the scholarship on the urban meat sector and will help to inform ongoing governance and policy challenges in both understanding and regulating the meat supply chains in the dual contexts of dynamic international migration and ongoing urbanization.
Bernard Owusu

Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellow
Bernard Owusu
Select Publications
- Owusu, B., & Crush, J. (2024). Translocality, Remittances and Food Security in the Ghana-Qatar Migration Corridor. African Human Mobility Review. 10 (3)
- Owusu, B., Kutor, S. K., & Ablo, A. D. (2023). COVID-19 pandemic: Ghana and the geographies of blame. Geojournal, 88(1), 279-290.
- Onyango, E. O., Owusu, B., & Crush, J. S. (2023). COVID-19 and urban food security in Ghana during the third wave. Land, 12(2), 504.
- Kutor, S. K., Kyeremeh, E., Owusu, B., Amoak, D., & Ishola, T. O. (2021). Wise reasoning and political leadership amid COVID-19 pandemic: an exploratory study on Ghana. International Journal of Public Leadership.
- Kutor, S. K., Amoak, D., Owusu, B., & Kyeremeh, E. (2021). Theorizing” Wicked Concept” and Reconceptualizing Wisdom as Wicked. Professional Geographer, 632-640
- Owusu, B. (2018). ‘Doomed by the ‘resource curse? ‘Fish and oil conflicts in the Western Gulf of Guinea, Ghana. Development, 61, 149-159.
- Owusu, B., & Crush, J. S. (2024). Migrant Remittances, Food Security and Multi-local Households: Ghanaian Labour Migration to Qatar. Migration and Food Security (MiFOOD) Discussion Paper No. 22. Series Editor: Sujata Ramachandran and Jonathan Crush.
- PhD, Wilfrid Laurier University
- MA, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St Johns
- BA, University of Ghana, Legon