Elisabeth Miltenburg

Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Coordinator    

Elisabeth Miltenburg

Elisabeth Miltenburg

Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Coordinator

Elisabeth “Liz” Miltenburg coordinates the Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food System and supports projects affiliated with the UNESCO Chair on Food, Biodiversity and Sustainability Studies – most significantly, the Food Learning and Growing (FLOW) Partnership which aims to monitor and amplify sustainable food system transformation at a regional scale.

She holds a MSc. From the University of Guelph, where her thesis examined the interactions between place and urban Indigenous Food Sovereignty Initiatives within Waterloo-Wellington Region. After working as a Garden Manager for a season, she returned to academia as a Research Project Manager at the University of Waterloo between 2022-2024. In this role, she built upon existing community-research relationships, managing projects which aimed to cultivate space for land-based learning and strengthen local food sovereignty initiatives.

As an advocate for sustainable food systems, outside of work you can find her tending to her community garden plot or volunteering with local food non-profit organizations.

Select Publications

Miltenburg E., Neufeld, H.T., Perchak, S., Skene, D. “Where Creator has my feet, there I will be responsible”: Placemaking in urban environments through Indigenous food sovereignty initiatives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023, 20(11), 5970.

Miltenburg, E., Neufeld, H.T., Anderson, K. Relationality, responsibility, and reciprocity: Cultivating Indigenous food sovereignty within urban environments. Nutrients. 2022. 14, 1737.

Miltenburg, E., Neufeld, H.T., Peach, L., Perchak, S. Skene, D. Seed Sowing: Indigenous Relationship-Building as Processes of Environmental Action. Canadian Institute for Climate Choices. 2021.

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