Photo of CIGI-Harvard-BSIA representatives standing behind a podium that reads "Harvard Kennedy School"

New partnership with the Harvard Kennedy School will bring technology governance scholars to Waterloo

Photo courtesy of the Harvard Kennedy School

The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA) marked the start of a new partnership on Friday, September 20th with Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government’s Carr Center to engage with the work of leading scholars in technology governance. As part of the Balsillie Scholars program, Harvard Technology Governance Scholars will be given the option to spend time in Waterloo and engage with both the BSIA and CIGI communities.

The event at the Harvard Kennedy School included global scholars in technology governance, CIGI colleagues, and a number of BSIA Faculty members and PhD students. Roundtable discussions were held throughout the day, culminating in an event in the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum, which attracted over 350 guests, including four distinguished panellists: Baroness Beeban Kidron, Margarethe Vestager, Maria Ressa and Shoshana Zuboff. The late afternoon event was immediately followed by a dinner held at the Harvard Faculty Club, where members of the BSIA and CIGI delegation were included as guests.

We look forward to taking this partnership forward and to interacting more with Harvard’s technology governance scholars in the future.

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