Kankshi Amin

Master of International Public Policy, 2022    

Photo of Kankshi Amin

Kankshi Amin

Master of International Public Policy, 2022

Kankshi Amin is a recent honours graduate from Queen’s University with an undergraduate degree in sociology as well as a certificate in law from the faculty of law.

Kankshi has several work experiences in charity and non-profit organizations which led to an interest in social aid and betterment. During her undergraduate career, she worked for Youth Diversion, a Not-For-Profit organization by United Way to help local youth with a variety of challenges. This experience created a keen interest to aid at-risk youth as she got to directly work with several departments. She also worked with the Toronto Humane Society which furthered her interest in pursuing a career that would aid marginalized and disadvantaged individuals in society. Within the university, through participating in several university clubs, Kankshi was able to develop and refine her leadership and project management skills.

While pursuing her Master’s in International Public Policy at the Balsillie school, Kankshi looks forward to being able to make an impact. Her primary areas of research interest include foreign policy and international law. At the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Kankshi hopes to grow her current understandings to facilitate a future in working on issues within conflict and security for youth.


  • Queen’s Admission’s Award – 2017
  • Danbe Foundation and Barbara Crook Scholarship – 2017
  • Work Study Entitlement – 2017-2021
  • Wilfred Laurier Graduate scholarship – 2021


  • Bacherlors of Arts Honours (major: Sociology), Queen’s University, Sept. 2017 – Apr. 2021
  • Certificate in Law, Queen’s University, Sept. 2018 – Apr. 2021
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